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Data Protection

We take our data protection responsibilities seriously.

St Barnabas & St Philip’s believes in a transparent approach to Data Protection and the use of information. The policies and documents on this page help explain how we try to achieve this aim. If you wish to discuss any of the content further, please do not hesitate to contact the Headteacher.

New General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into force on 25th May 2018 and gave schools new guidance on how personal information about children, their parents and staff should be handled. Schools are now required to document how and why they process personal data about individuals. At St Barnabas and St Philip's Primary School, all staff and key governors have received GDPR training via the London Diocesan Board of Schools (LDBS) to ensure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities under the new regulations.

The policies below give more specific details about our compliance with the new regulations.

If you require any further information about GDPR and what it means for you and your child(ren), please contact either the Headteacher, or the school’s Data Protection Officer (DPO), David Coy, who is contactable via London Diocesan Board for Schools, London Diocesan House, 36 Causton Street, SW1P 4AU. He can also be emailed – – or contacted by telephone by calling 07903 506531.